Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy Learning

Finding the right words to express the special way that horses help humans to grow their awareness has been a thought provoking process. Equine Facilitated Learning and Coaching includes the horse and the human as…


All about EFPL Training Certification

There are no pre-established judgments or defensive posturing that often block learning experiences with our human counterparts. During sessions with horses, the horse’s nature brings to the surface aspects of the client (behaviors, habits, skill…


EFL Training for Individuals

Feel is usually utilized in portraying how a human communicates with or handles a horse. An individual is frequently depicted as having a decent Feel or an absence of Feel. Similarly as a group of…


Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy Learning

Finding the right words to express the special way that horses help humans to grow their awareness has been a thought provoking process. Equine Facilitated Learning and Coaching includes the horse and the human as…


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